MERANNI Jewellery operates under the guidelines and laws developed by the Danish Consumer Agency.
We do not resell personal information and do not disclose your personal details to others; they are only recorded in our customer database. You can request the deletion of your information at any time.
Hvad gør vi med dine personlige oplysninger (persondatapolitik)
For at du kan indgå aftale med os på, har vi brug for følgende oplysninger:
• Navn
• Adresse
• Telefonnummer
• E-mail adresse
We register your personal information for the purpose of delivering the goods to you.
The registration of personal data at MERANNI Jewellery ApS is kept for five years, after which the information is deleted.
When collecting personal information via our website, we ensure that it always happens with your explicit consent, so you are informed about exactly what information is collected and why.
The director and employees of MERANNI Jewellery ApS have access to the information recorded about you.
Den dataansvarlige på er MERANNI Jewellery ApS
We do not store customer information encrypted.
We do not transmit customer information encrypted.
Oplysninger afgivet til videregives eller sælges på ingen måde videre til en tredjeparti, og vi registrerer ingen personfølsomme oplysninger.
Som registreret hos MERANNI Jewellery ApS har du altid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod registreringen. Du har også ret til indsigt i, hvilke oplysninger, der er registreret om dig. Disse rettigheder har du efter Persondataloven og henvendelse i forbindelse hermed rettes til MERANNI Jewellery ApS via e-mail
Learn more about your consumer protection when making purchases through a PensoPay payment solution:
På anvendes cookies med det formål at optimere hjemmesiden og dets funktionalitet, og dermed gøre besøget så nemt som muligt for dig.
You can delete cookies from your computer at any time, depending on your browser. Webshop Cookies og Privatlivspolitik.
We use log statistics on, meaning a statistical system collects information that can provide a statistical picture of the number of visitors, their origin, and where they leave the website, etc.
Logstatistikken anvendes kun med det formål, at optimere
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MERANNI Jewellery ApS
+45 28 35 54 21
Karen Blixensvej 76,
7430 Ikast
CVR: 25288556
© 2025 MERANNI
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