Bracelets from MERANNI add both a personal and stylish touch to your wardrobe. Our timeless designs are perfect for any occasion, whether you’re looking for a subtle bracelet for everyday wear or a bold statement piece for special events. Each bracelet can carry personal meanings and memories, making it more than just an accessory. They can be worn alone or combined with other jewellery to create a completely unique look. Whatever you choose a bracelet from MERANNI will add elegance and sophistication to your outfit.
Armbånd størrelse og pasform
When choosing the size of your bracelet, it’s all about both style and comfort. Our bracelets are adjustable, so you can decide how loose or snug you’d like it to fit. The bracelet should be loose enough to move your hand comfortably, but tight enough to stay securely on your wrist.
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MERANNI Jewellery ApS
+45 28 35 54 21
Karen Blixensvej 76,
7430 Ikast
CVR: 25288556
© 2025 MERANNI
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