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How to Keep Your Gold Vermeil Jewellery Shiny and Scratch-Free
Gold vermeil jewellery is both beautiful and perfect for stacking and layering. To keep your pieces shiny and scratch-free, only minimal care is needed. In this guide, you’ll find quick and simple tips to maintain your 18k gold vermeil jewellery, made from 100% recycled 925 sterling silver, so it stays stunning for years to come.
Here are some easy tips to maintain the brilliance of your gold vermeil jewellery:
Follow this straightforward cleaning routine to keep your jewellery spotless:
By following these tips, you can keep your gold vermeil jewellery shiny and scratch-free, even with daily wear. Taking a little time to care for your jewellery will ensure it remains beautiful for many years. Whether you’re stacking rings or layering necklaces, these tips will help you preserve the look and quality of your pieces.
Ready to explore more stunning, handcrafted gold vermeil jewellery? Browse our collection to find the perfect pieces to suit your style!
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MERANNI Jewellery ApS
+45 28 35 54 21
Karen Blixensvej 76,
7430 Ikast
CVR: 25288556
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